Rev. Alton L. Hayes

Alton L. Hayes was born June 12, 1929 in Dallas, Texas. His father William F. Hayes worked in the Federal Reserve Bank but lost his job during the depression and became a Pastor of the Roseland Avenue Assembly of God in 1932. The Hayes family was very poor. Alton had three brothers and four sisters. He grew up in a family where faith was central to all that they did. He saw healing as a regular part of his family's life. He was saved at the age of six and experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the same time. Even at that early age he felt a call to preach the gospel.

In 1946 Alton met a young woman named Maxine at a Christian rally. He was smitten and within three months they were married. He took a job with the Texas and Pacific Railroad to bring in income. He also began to drift away from God and the things he had been brought up with. One day, in 1947, he got an urgent call from his mother-in-law that Maxine was seriously sick and he needed to return home immediately. When he got home Maxine told him that she believed that if he did not repent that she would die. That got his attention! He fell to his knees and recommitted his life to Christ. He once again felt the call to preach the gospel. He began to preach while still working for the railroad. Then God began asking Hayes to leave his job and go into full time ministry. God directed him to hold a revival in a little country church where no one had heard of him. He quit his job and over a three week time period God healed and saved several people. Hayes knew God was confirming his call.

In 1950 the Hayes family was living in Midlothian, Texas and William Hayes felt that God was calling them to start a church in Dallas. It was to become the Forest Lane Assembly of God Church. Not having a lot of money the Hayes family worked on the buildings themselves. William and Alton would take family members to the job site while they were working. Then April 29, 1950 their lives changed forever. They were returning home from the church site when a drunk driver swerved across the road and hit them head on. Both Alton and his father received severe injuries. The entire family of six was loaded into an ambulance and taken to the hospital. The doctors thought both Alton and his father would die and warned the family members to expect it at any time.

Slowly, however they began to recover. People of faith were praying for them all over Texas. God miraculously healed William's face within days, but his legs were so crushed that he ended up being in cast and braces for months. Maxine's pelvis was broken and her bladder perforated. Fifteen days after the accident Maxine was listening to Oral Roberts on the radio and when he prayed for the sick she was instantly healed. Alton was still in the hospital two weeks after the accident when he began losing blood rapidly. While praying God spoke to him clearly the he would live and not die. A bolt of power coursed through him. Then God showed him a vision of people going to hell. His heart was stirred for the suffering people were going through in a way he had never experienced before. Within four days he was released from the hospital and he committed to begin bringing in the lost.

Alton took up the healing and evangelistic ministry. He eventually became a Voice of Healing Minister and had Dallas and then Ft Worth, TX as his headquarters. He began to travel throughout the country bringing the gospel message and praying for the sick.
He later went on to found United Assemblies Worldwide Outreach Ministries, Inc.  a non-profit organization that ordines ministers throughout the United States. In his later years Rev. Alton L. Hayes started a local church named Dallas Revival Center. He lived till April 16, 2002 in Dallas, Texas.